Giving a man your sex and your heart too soon will never work. It’s toxic, and always end in bad energy.
Ladies, it’s time for a radical shift in how we approach relationships and value ourselves. We give our all to our partners, only to be taken for granted or worse, taken advantage of. But no more! Today, we start a new movement of self-respect, where we make a commitment to ourselves to not give him our all if we want him to truly value us.
Our key message is ‘Realize Your Value and Don’t Give Him Your All.’ That’s right, ladies – we need to start valuing ourselves. We should not give up what matters most to us, such as our opinions, our dreams, and our time, just because we think it will make our partners value us more. Instead, by taking the time to recognize our own needs and be respectful of them, we are showing our partners that we are worth valuing.
Now let’s not get it twisted, or unclear valuing ourselves does not happen by devaluing your dude. Let’s keep it grown, sexy and mature here.
To value your guy, which you should, you must first master self-worth.
We need to spread this message to all the ladies out there.
But it’s not just about spreading the message. We need to ensure that we back it up with action. We need to organize a series of global events where women can come together and get resources related to setting healthy boundaries, creating relationships for mutual respect, and more.
Ladies let’s give ourselves the love and respect that we truly deserve today. Let’s make a commitment to ourselves not to give him our all if we want him to value us. Let’s start taking the steps needed to realize our own value and make sure that we get the respect that we deserve by spreading the message of self-respect to all the ladies out there. #DontGiveHimYourAll