Now more than ever, black men are in a unique position to lead in relationships. The winds of the 21st century have brought on increased visibility and influence for black males and collective strides in leadership. This is a valuable opportunity for a group generations in the past were less encouraged to assume any type of leadership.
However, with this newfound authority over relationships comes great responsibility. As a black man, you must be willing to take ownership of your own journey and commit to a supportive and uplifting dynamic with your partner. There are unique historical, educational, and economic factors that make it even more crucial for black men to prove they can lead without prejudice, and step up and out of their comfort zones.
The realities of racial, gender, and social bias still exist, even if we like to think not. There are misconceptions to be addressed, stereotypes to dissertation, and naysayers to prove wrong. It all starts with a self reflective journey to explore your own biases, values, and definitions of leadership.
The reassuring part is that in today’s society, black men now have the capability, confidence, and community to pursue relationships as a leader.
Black men can be supportive, involved, communicative, and emotionally intelligent. They can set healthy boundaries.
These qualities demonstrate his ability to lead, but how does a black man effectively flex these abilities in the face of social norms and traditional relationships? It requires an openness to encountering the unknown and having honest conversations about expectations and desires.
Of course, nobody is perfect, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach that works for all black men. Each relationship is unique, and the way you express yourself as a black man may differ from others. What matters most is that you take ownership of your own identity as a leader, and refuse to be reduced to societal stereotypes.
Leadership for black men is not impossible; it is only rarely attempted in a present-day relationship. With a personal commitment to take ownership and make the necessary adjustments, black men can unapologetically embrace the leadership they bring to relationships.