
About Me

I've been through it, and now I'm helping YOU get through it.

Troubling health issues, countless doctor visits, lack of energy for years on end… I’ve been there! Now I’m happy and healthy, and I want you to be, too.

Expertise Through Experience

Became an Expert

I'm so much more than a certified health coach.

At one point, I was a mess. I had multiple health issues and I was unhappy. Doctors only seemed to have prescription medicine, and I didn't want that. So I had to start doing research myself, and start looking for my own answers. I spent countless hours scouring the internet, piecing information together, learning little by little. Eventually I became an expert in so many areas regarding my own health.

Taking care of your health means
mental health, too.

Health For Good

I'm educating my clients on how to maintain their health -for good.

It's important to me that people learn how to take care of their own health, because we're all different. We all have different lifestyles, different ailments, different wants, needs and goals in life. You can become a health expert, too! You just need a little help, and that's ok.

Choose Happy! Choose Healthy!


Book Now

Book a Free consultation with me and let's start your health journey today!

Troubling health issues, countless doctor visits, lack of energy for years on end… I’ve been there! Now I’m happy and healthy, and I want you to be, too.

The 2023 Longdom Conference/ Global Summit Conference

DoGood went to Paris, France to speak to doctors, scientists and researchers about her very specific and rare experience with Graves’ Disease and Hyperthyroidism.  

The city was very welcoming of DoGood (Dr. RoSeé Murphy).

“It was nice to be in a city where the people walk lots, eat less, love cheese and bread, and wine, of course.”


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